Sustain Your Health


Health is not the absence of the disease.  It is the reflection of the total balance between mind, body, spirit, diet, and the environment. We all deserve an abundance of health and happiness in life.  The key to abundance is self-recognition, meaning, understanding the body and its chemistry and what nature provides for us is the foundation of our physical and mental health and behaviors.

Instead of always worrying about what is bad for you, deliberately feed your body and your mind with healthy nutritious foods and positive energies. Once you learn and understand your body, your mind, and their need.  Then you move forward toward clarity and unprecedented good health, balance, and harmony and you keep your body protected from vulnerability to diseases caused by harmful bacteria and free radicals.

Diseases make us understand our bodies and their chemistry better, and the process of healing is a new awakening.

Meaning we will learn how to listen and understand our bodies and their needs.

Mind, body, and spirit should be connected together like a triangle. 

If one of the angles becomes vulnerable or unbalanced as a result of feeding them unhealthy, it will affect the other angles, and eventually, they will fall apart.

Providing ­­­­­­healthy nutritious foods and positive energies to your body, mind and your spirit, daily exercising, and meditations are the keys to keep them healthy and in harmony and well connected.




The immune system, hormone system, and nervous system are linked together as a triangle.

If one of those systems gets vulnerable, or unbalanced,  it would affect the other systems, eventually causes the angles to fall apart.   


The key to keep the immune system high and keep the hormone system, and the nervous system balanced, one should have a healthy diet rich in anti-oxidant vitamins such as organic fresh fruits and vegetables, daily exercise, 8-10 glasses of water, depends on the body weight.

Herbal teas:  Mixtures of herbs such as echinacea and ginseng root to support the immune system, borage, sage, or evening primrose to support and keep the hormones balanced, valerian root, cowslip, and chamomile to support the nervous system.



Blood sugar, cholesterol, and blood pressure are linked together like a triangle.

If any of those angles get high as a result of the wrong diet or if they are affected by environmental factors, they get unbalanced and make the angles fall apart.

In the USA and most countries, high cholesterol levels or (LDL), high blood sugar, and high blood pressure are regarded as diseases. This is the fact the most health issues start from these diseases, also it is the fact that none of them are really diseases. They are the conditions in the body that can easily be controlled and corrected by healthy nutrition, exercise, and drinking water and herbs that contain bitter principles. When the body conditions can easily be controlled without using modern medicines, then they should no longer be regarded as diseases.

The following habits are the solutions to control the body Cholesterol, Blood sugar, and Blood pressure.

1-     Drink 24-32 ounces of warm water an hour before breakfast, one glass of water an hour before bedtime, and 5-8 glasses of water during the day, this amount of drinking water depends on the body weight. (Avoid drinking iced water regardless of age and health conditions). Do not replace any other beverages or liquids such as tea, coffee, or juices with water.

3-      A healthy diet includes organic fresh green leafy vegetables and organic fresh fruits.  Add fresh bitter Mellon to your green salad. Bitter melon is a bitter vegetable that resembles pickling cucumber, it helps increase the production of insulin and lower blood sugar.

Include omega-3 fatty acids in your diet. Omega-3 fatty acids are nutrients that exist in foods such as wild salmon fish and most cold-water fishes, nuts, and seeds such as macadamia nuts and walnut, flaxseeds, and hemp seeds. The omega-3 fatty acid has the ability to emulsifies bad fat (LDL) and improve good fat (HDL) hence support the health of the brain, heart, eye, and overall health.  Avoid red meat or trans saturated fat as much as possible especially after the age of 60 (sixty).

4:  If one is suffering from high blood sugar especially type 2, or high blood cholesterol or (LDL) which is bad fat, one should make herbal tea including herbs that contain bitter glycoside (bitter glycoside is a biochemical that contain in herbs and plants that have a bitter taste).  plants or seeds that have a bitter taste have the ability to lower both blood sugar and cholesterol levels.  Herbs such as bitter melon, burdock root, and dandelion (burdock root contains 45% inulin). Inulin is a biochemical contain in burdock that has the power to lower blood sugar levels. Dandelion is one of the most valuable herbs or vegetables that can be used as food in a salad or main dishes as well as a medicine in the form of tea or syrup to lower blood sugars. Dandelion may increase the production of bile in the liver. Bile is a bitter taste gastric juice that not only has the ability to detoxify the liver, it also emulsifies bad fat (LDL), and lowers blood sugar.

When dandelion leaves are added to your everyday diet, it ensures the health of the liver and the gallbladder, because it contains most vitamins and minerals it will also sustain the health of the body and the skin.

Spices such as ginger root, cayenne pepper, chile pepper, and cinnamon when are used in foods, salads, or as tea have abilities to increase blood circulation thus emulsify and lower the LDL in the blood.

4:      Daily walking or exercise is a must in order to get the blood sugar, blood cholesterol, and blood pressure under the control.  My personal recommendation is fast walking in the nature or green lushes area. 

To control the blood pressure: it is the best-recommended daily walking, drinking water between 8-10 glasses depends on the body weight, and green salad. Herbal tea such as a combination of hibiscus, and yarrow, add 2 tablespoons of dry hibiscus and one tablespoon of dry yarrow with 3 cups of boiling water, let it simmer for 10 minutes, and drink.  Hibiscus would lower the blood pressure quickly so do use it as needed.

Stress may raise blood pressure and blood sugar, and that is because during the time of stress the adrenal glands produce cortisol hormone (stress hormone). Cortisol can causes an increase in heart rate and blood pressure and also increases the glucose in the bloodstream.


Nervousness, emotional/mental stress, and anxiety can interfere with the function of the digestive system. When one is worried or stressed eating may cause a gastrointestinal disturbance. When we eat a meal, the circulatory system is modified by the nervous system so that more blood is sent to digestive tract in order to aid its function. In the case of stress or tension, this process lowers the amount of blood reaching the muscle and the brain, however, the reverse process carries the blood away from the digestive tract to feed the brain and muscles, That is why during the time of stress, or tension the mind/body energy is low and feeling tired. Not only that during the stress more acid is secreted by the stomach which can cause digestive problems. 

If one has a stressful lifestyle or during mental and emotional stress. 1- It is best recommended to have a healthy nutritious diet rich in anti-oxidant vitamins 2- drink immune enhancers tea at least three cups daily, Mix the combination of echinacea flower, ginseng root, and ginger root to increase the body immune system, borage, and evening primrose to support the hormones, valerian root, and peppermint to support nervose system. make tea with the above combinations and drink as needed. 3- at least five times a week 45-90 minutes walking in nature. 

4- at least three times a week do handoff energy healing. To use this method clean the aura first, then clean each chakra in case if there are any blockages, if you are new to this healing method use silver color to clean the chakras, and energies the chakras with the same color.

During the time of stress clean several times the crown chakra, heart chakra, throat chakra, and stomach chakras and energies them with positive and light energy.  5-  meditation at least three times a week, during meditation, send light, peace, and positive energies to the earth, and. Connect your body, mind, and spirit together like a triangle. Once you feel connected, and no gap between the angles then, the tension from the body/mind will be released.






Remove the following pains and discomforts with hand-off energy healing

Headache of all kinds, skin disorders, insomnia, depression, anxiety, nervous tension, eating disorders, obesity, constipation, gastro problems, urinary tract infection, heart problems, common colds, and negative or dark energies.

People with different problems, difficulties, and illnesses get healed with energy healing.

Hand-off energy healing not only cleanses the dirty or dark negative energies, aura and chakras, it would also bring major positive changes in health issues, resulting in more trusting in life and gain confidence.

People often see miracles in their health issues and feeling wonder the miracle of “GOD’S” love pass through them. They often experience a new awakening (understanding their body chemistry), feeling light, peace, and more self-esteem.


Aura is the energy or electromagnetic field that extends, forms and surrounds all around the physical body, the aura sizes from 1-6 feet. Aura has seven layers and each layer is the energy vibration that correlating with each chakra along the spine in the central energy. Both aura and chakras energies can be impacted by environment, diet,  mental, spiritual, and emotional health.

All seven layers of the aura protect our physical body,  emotional, and mental thoughts containing our chakras.


1:  The Etheric layer:  this layer is the closest to the physical body, it extends about two inches from the body, it represents the actual physical body between energy and matter. It is connected to the root chakra, the color of this layer is light blue. This layer is strong in individuals who are physically active.

2:  The emotional layer:  this layer is the second layer to the physical body,  it extends about 3-4 inches from the physical body, it represents the emotional body feelings and the emotions, it is connected to the sex chakra, the emotional layer has a full range of colors like rainbow, could appear very bright and happy or as dark and cloudy, depending on the emotional experience of the person. This layer is strong in individuals who hold emotions, feelings, joy, sorrow, and hate.

3:  The mental layer:  this layer is the third layer to the physical body, it extends about 4-8 inches from the body,  it represents the mental body and it is comprised of fine energetic thought process rather than emotion. It is connected to the solar plexus chakra and its color is yellow that covers the head, and the shoulder areas. This layer is strong when there are mental activities for creativity and goals.

4:  The astral layer:  this layer is the fourth layer to the physical body, it extends about 1-2 feet from the body, it represents the vibrations between the lower vibration of the physical plane and the higher vibration of the emotional and spiritual plane. It is connected to the heart chakra, the color of this layer is a combination of rose and blobs of colors that attribute the emotions, these colors can be moving back and forth by the energy between two people if there is attraction or conflict. This layer is strong when the vibration is high spiritually or emotionally such as love relationship and is weaker during physical pains.

5:  The Etheric Template:   this layer is the fifth layer to the physical body, it extends about 2-3 feet from the body, it represents the creative talents, arts, and communications that contain all shapes and forms of expressions and teaching. It is connected to the throat chakra, and the color is light to cobalt blue. This layer becomes strong when you identify your personality and you become expressive for your emotions and act toward your emotion and creativities.

6:  The Celestial/Casual Layer:  this layer is the sixth layer to the physical body, it extends about 3-4 feet from the body, it represents spiritual power, consciousness, and universal love, it is the emotional body of the spiritual plane, intuition, and sense of insightfulness from universal unconditional love.  It is connected to the third eye chakra, the color is purple. This layer becomes very strong when your vibration is high, you become very insightful, intuitive, unconditional love for all the being.  When the vibration is super high, then it spiritually gets connected to the divine and receives messages from angels or higher sources.

7:  The Spiritual Layer:  this layer is the seventh layer of the physical body, it is far from the physical body, it extends about 4-5 feet, it represents the cosmic plane, meaning beyond the scope of physical life, the body facilitate the perspective of consciousness of knowing the oneness with the creator, it also contains the past life, and the past life being dealt with current incarnation in the mental and spiritual plane.  It is connected to the crown chakra, and the color is indigo or violate.  This layer becomes strong in high vibration when you have the ability to surrender to the path of the divine and increase the abilities to see unseen and receive messages from higher entities.


Red:  Well-grounded, energetic, strong personality.

Orange:  Thoughtful, considerate, trusting.

Yellow:  Friendly, creative, and calm.

Green:  Social, communicator, caring, and nurturing.

Blue:  Intuitive, calm, spiritual, and healing energy.

Indigo: Imaginative, modest, deep inner feeling, intuitive, seer.

Violate: Seer, intellectual, spiritual connection, feels and sees unseen.


Chakras are the body energy points that are located in the astral body along the spine and run upward toward the crown chakra. The energy vibrates and turns to channel energy into the body and meridians. Chakras spin the energy out of the body and pull the energy into the body from the external world, this energy exchange would keep the whole body balanced and in alignment physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Meridian channels follow the same path as the nervous system along the spine. This is also where the chakras receive and transmit the energy into and from the body. All chakras are parallel to the meridian paths flowing through the body.

Emotional stress and psychological problems or mental illnesses such as anxiety, depression, an unhealthy diet will result in blockages and barriers in the energy flow to the chakras. Open chakras signify a clear movement of energy and allow the body to be in good physical, and mental health.

To unblock the chakras and let the energy and oxygen flow one must do aura and chakra cleansing as well as meditation at least three times a week. One method of meditation is to connect with arch angles and visualize their light going through the blocked chakras as well as the whole body.  Daily healthy diet, herbal teas, and daily exercise are necessary to release the toxins from your body and mind and let the energy flow and bring the vibration high to empower your mind, body, and spirit to get balanced and connected together like a triangle.


There are seven main chakras as followed:

1-  Root chakra: this chakra is located at the base of your spine, it creates the foundation for all the chakras that move up toward the crown chakra.  The root chakra color is red, it is responsible for the sense of stability and security in our lives that make us well-grounded, this chakra is the center for self-esteem, integrity, and the foundation of physical and emotional needs and security of feeling. Blockage in root chakra causes physical issues such as colon and bladder inflammation and constipation, and emotional issues such as physical and financial insecurities, stagnancy or inability to make decisions for your goals.

2-  Sacral or sex chakra: this chakra is the second chakra next to the base chakra, it is responsible for sexual feeling expression, creative and emotional expression, the color of this chakra is orange, it is responsible for passion, joy, creativity, and relationship intimacy. Blockages in this chakra cause stress, difficulty expressing emotion, lack of interest, or negative sexual effects.

3-  Solar Plexus chakras: this chakra is the third chakra next to the base chakra, it is located in the stomach area.  It is responsible for helping you feel in control of your life, having self-esteem and confidence in your decisions, giving strength and positive energy to make positive and solid decisions for your goals. The color of this chakra is yellow. Blockage in the solar plexus chakra causes instability, confusion, difficulties, and loss of sense of direction.

4-  Heart chakra: this chakra is located at the center of the spine at the heart level, this chakra is responsible for the sense of living in harmony with self and others, direct self-love and light, love, empathy, and compassion with others, and release of resentment. The color of the heart chakra is green. Blockages in heart chakra cause a lack of self-love and others, lack of empathy, isolation, and being demanding.

5-  Throat chakra: this chakra is located at the base of the throat, it is responsible for communication, ability to express and speak about thoughts and feelings. The color of the throat chakra is blue. Blockage to throat chakra causes depression, low self-esteem, inability to communicate and speak, or lack of expression.

6-  Ajna chakra: this chakra is located in the space between the brows, the other name for this chakra is the ” third eye chakra” this chakra is linked to the pineal gland, it helps to see the light and the spiritual world beyond the material world, it is the center of intuition, inner voice, and strong sixth sense. The color of “third eye chakra” or Ajna is dark blue-indigo. Blockages in this chakra cause stagnation and loss of sense of direction in life, distrust your inner voice, fear of the future, and not let go of the past.

7-  Crown chakra:  this chakra is located at the top of the head, crown chakra moves you from the materialistic needs and takes you to spirituality, and connects you to the self high and the universe. When this chakra is highly active you will be able to see unseen. The color of the crown chakra is purple or violet. Blockage of crown chakra causes mental illness such as depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, physical and emotional stress, spiritual disconnection with self, universe, and others.




Healthy balanced nutrition is essential and the key to physical and mental health and behavior. Healthy foods affect the body’s chemistry and regulate the chemical process as they help to balance the level of the hormone, make and repair healthy cells, and protect them from harmful bacteria and free radicals. The amount of nutrition and its quality that you eat, affect your body weight, chemistry, energy level, mental clarity, and mood.

Daily healthy foods supply to the body, and mind is the key to physical, mental, and spiritual health. This daily regimen will keep the triangle connected.


Free radicals are molecules that contain one or more unpair electrons, these unpair electrons are highly unstable and they easily react with other stable molecules and causing chain chemical reactions.  They attack the nearest stable molecules and steal their electrons to stabilize themselves and the molecule that the electron was pulled from gets destabilized and turns into free radicals.

Free radicals are produced in the body or enter the body from environmental sources, they are linked to aging and internal diseases.  When free radicals are produced in the body as a result of prolonging unhealthy diets such as processed and preserved foods, artificial and saturated fats, and refined carbohydrates, they destabilize healthy molecules by pulling electrons from them and turn them into free radicals. If the body’s defense mechanism is low to defend itself then they damage the tissues, by adverse reaction with fat, and DNA protein cells causing lipid oxidations.

Free radicals can enter the body from environmental sources such as prolonged exposures to UVR,  and radiations, prolong inhalations of carbon monoxide, cigarette smoking, and household chemicals, as they enter the body, they steal the electrons from the molecules and stabilize themselves then the same chemical reactions as when they produce inside the body will take place, they damage tissues and cells and adverse reaction to lipid, and protein DNA and cells damage or cells death.

To minimize the damage from free radicals, you should increase your body’s defense and immune system by taking antioxidant vitamins every day.

A healthy diet rich in antioxidant vitamins can increase the body’s defense and immune systems to minimize the potential damages from free radicals.

Anti-oxidants are strong molecules that have abilities to react with free radicals and terminate the chain reaction before molecules are damaged.  They neutralize free radicals by giving or taking electrons that are unpaired without making themselves unstable. Antioxidant vitamins are vitamin A (beta-carotene), vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium, and folic acid.

Antioxidant vitamins can be found in green leafy vegetables, and red, orange, yellow colors fruits, and vegetables. The darker the color of fruits and vegetables the stronger antioxidants. The antioxidant can also be found in seeds, nuts, grains, and most spices such as ginger, cayenne, turmeric, black, and chili peppers, cinnamon, and cumin. 

Drinking enough purified water daily, and exercising can also minimize the potential damages from free radicals.