Mind Power and Destiny


Your thoughts become your words,

Your words shape your deeds,

Your deeds make your habits,

Your habits cultivate your personality,

Your personalities make your destiny. 

Your destiny is determined by your decisions as to which direction to take, and that direction will leave positive or negative effects in your life.



Thoughts are powerful energies that run through your mind and help to manifest your destiny or wishes.  

The same single positive thought that can spark a flurry of positive energies and put you on the right path toward your hopes and dreams can also be detrimental and fester in your mind, infecting your every emotion and action until it manifests itself into a negative outcome.

The foundation of any dream that you have started from your thoughts so, it is important that you watch your thoughts in your solitude because it is your thoughts in solitude that control, design, and plan to take action whether positive or negative.  You should believe that the dream that runs through your mind is destined for you by the universe. When you focus on your dream with faith, then all the positive energies, positive actions, and efforts that you are investing in will cultivate and move you closer to the success the universe has for you.

There is no denying that the power of your thoughts is able to direct you to the right path and they can dictate your actions and efforts for your dream fulfillment, so take your positive action and the right steps toward your dream even if your direction is wrong, and believe that you will get to your destination faster than you take the right direction on the negative and wrong steps.

If there is confusion, fear, or anxiety for your decisions, then it is important that you make sure that your root chakra is not blocked.  Blocked root chakra can cause those symptoms and make you indecisive, or unable to make the right decisions, or move forward toward the right paths for your business, finances, and emotions and causing stagnancy for your dreams.

To unblock chakra, one must do daily aura and chakra cleansing, then unblock chakras follow by energizing them with fresh clean, and positive energy.  Meditation and visualization with archangels Micheal to unblock root chakra and clear negative energies. 

Each archangel is responsible to heal and unblock different chakra.