Health Triangles Training Courses

Health triangles classes are focusing to create alignment and connection with body, mind, and spirit. To create this healthy connection body and mind must be nourished with healthy foods, in order to open doors for spirit flow and get connected.

Sustain Your Health With Proper Nutrition, Energy Healing and Natural Remedies.

Topics Covered in the Health Triangle Training Classes:

What is nutrition?

What is the relationship between nutrition and body chemistry?

Connection between nutrition and healthy body.

What are free radicals?

How do free radicals interact with the health?

How to set free from free radicals?

How do antioxidant vitamins interact with free radicals?

What nutrients and antioxidant vitamins protect the health and boost the vitality?

How to get mind, body, and spirit connected together and balanced like a triangle?

Do imbalanced hormones and a poor diet affect the health of the skin and cause acne?

How do you protect the skin from getting acne?

What causes the acne?

Do free radicals affect the health of the skin?

Does a healthy diet prevent pre-mature aging?

Sustain Your Youth

It is believed that the “eyes” are the window to the soul, and the skin is the window to the “heart”. Skin is also the largest organ in the body and it can be underlying your health. One of the main function of the skin is to protects the body from external harmful such as free radicals and bacteria’s that can damage the healthy cells and impact the health of the body.

Your skin is the first thing that people see, so make your first impression your last. Maintaining a healthy complexion is a life efforts. To have a healthy, and younger looking complexion nature knows best.

AVOID the following to have healthy and revitalized skin:

  • Avoid sun
  • Avoid dry heat such as dry sauna, dry air, cold, and chemical inhalation
  • Avoid canned foods, frozen foods, additive foods, refined carbohydrates, deep fried foods with saturated fats
  • Avoid emotional stress, and lack of sleep
  • Avoid using a facial products that contain chemical in them

PROVIDE the following to have healthy and revitalized skin:

  • Provide healthy daily nutritious foods including organic fresh green leafy vegetables, and fresh fruits, avoid pesticides and chemically treated foods
  • Provide daily exercise of any kinds that your body feels comfortable
  • Provide at least 8 glasses of pure drinking water a day
  • Provide at least 7-8 hours of good night sleep
  • Provide daily payers, meditation, aura and chakra cleansing
  • Provide herbal or fruit stem cells organic facial cream
  • Provide at least 10 minutes daily facial acupressure massage and movements
  • Provide stemmed sauna once a week if possible, if not apply fresh organic yogurt mixed with either smashed strawberries or peaches and apply over your entire face and neck and herbal steam for 15 minutes, follow with Minoo organic fruit stem cells serum and Minoo organic fruit stem cells anti-wrinkle cream, and acupressure face and neck massage for at five minutes to increase the circulation and oxygen flow
  • Provide at least 7-10 minutes physical movements such as head down and foot up to let the oxygen flow to the skin