What is Dark Pigmentation?

What is Dark Pigmentation?

Skin has three layers known as epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous tissues which are elaborated as follows:

Epidermis: is the outermost layer tissue and consists of dead skin cells.

Dermis: contains four layers of cells which are from outermost the horny, granular, spinout, and basal layer. The basal layer is made of living cells consisting mainly of a single row of tall narrow melanocytes. These cells produce a brown pigment called melanin. Melanin is the main pigment responsible for various pigments in skin, and hair. Pigments also protect the skin from sun damage.

Cause of Dark Pigmentation

Melanocytes that are responsible to produce melanin or pigment (color).
When skin exposed to UVR causes the melanocytes to get stimulated and produce more melanin or pigments.

Individuals with medium tone skin are the one who are at most risk to get dark pigmentation when exposed to UVR. Individuals with black skin are at no risk for pigmentation, because their skin is already pigmented.

Hormonal changes among women such as during pregnancy or during birth control peel when estrogen and progesterone stimulate the overproduction of melanin and cause dark pigmentation.

Treatment for Dark Pigmentation

  • Avoid over exposure in direct sunlight
  • Diet rich in antioxidant vitamins such as fruits and vegetables
  • Liver detoxification on a regular basis
  • Fresh fruit masks that contain citrus or vitamin C
  • Nature made skin lightening cream every night for at least 30 days, and sunblock