What is Cross Linking?

What is Cross Linking?

Learning how to prevent Cross-Linking is a key to having a healthier, younger and more beautiful complexion.

Wrinkles in the skin is an example of the aging process called Cross Linking. As we age many tissues are cross-linked and make the protein lose their flexibility therefore some undesirable chemical bonds interconnect molecules in the skin. The result is loss of flexibility and the increase of tendency to tear.

There are many factors in life that cause cross-linking. The most common factors that cause skin to cross-link are:

Free Radicals have been found to be one of the major causes of skin aging. Recent estimates by dermatologists show that as much as 70 percent of aged-related skin damage is caused from exposure to free radicals rich ultraviolet rays from the sun.

Harsh environmental influences such as intense dry heat, dry cold air, wind, and sun can cause loss of moisture and oil that result in dehydration and wrinkles. As the body ages the sebaceous glands become less active, consequently producing less oil. Poorly lubricated skin may not retain water, resulting in skin. That becomes dry and loses its elasticity and the aging process sets in. Due to breakdown of the collagen and elastin fibers in the skin, the skin loses its texture and the lines and wrinkles appear.

Lack of drinking water and insufficient liquid in daily diet can cause moisture loss. Lack of antioxidant vitamins, such as green leafy vegetables and fruits.

Lack of sleep can cause poor circulation that causes the skin to receive less oxygen and the necessary nutrients and as result leads to dehydration and premature aging.

Polluted air, dust, dirt and excessive makeup should be removed from the skin every night to prevent skin pores from clogging which result in poor circulation skin dehydration and wrinkle.

Treatment to prevent dehydration and premature aging:

  • Avoid exposure to sun, dry air, and dry cold air
  • Drink at least 8 glasses of pure water per day
  • Four balanced diet: including fresh fruits and vegetables preferably eight different vegetables
  • Vitamin A and C supplements increase skin elasticity. Additional 15 mg zinc supplement may mobilize the stored vitamin A in the liver
  • Exercise or daily walking increases the blood circulation, thus skin receives enough oxygen, and nutrients
  • Herbal tea such as dandelion tea
  • A few minutes of facial massage morning and evening with a quality/ organic cream that contains plant stem cells