What is Acne?

What Is Acne?

Acne is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the sebaceous glands characterized by pustules, cysts, and blackhead. The problems often appear during adolescence or during the change of hormones when sebaceous glands are more active, and produce more sebum oil, or during poor diet or emotional stress.

Sebaceous glands produce oil called sebum that usually maintains the skin lubrication. During change of hormone, stress or wrong diet the production of sebum increases. The excess of sebum oil will accumulate under the skin and become thicker thus preventing it from reaching the skin surface and causing impurities and acne.

Poor diet such as too much greasy and spicy foods can toxify the liver .The liver supplies blood to the skin, therefore the liver is not clean then the blood that is supplied is not pure. Since the blood that nourishes the skin, therefore if the blood is not clean, it negatively affects the health of the skin.

  • Healthy diet that is rich in antioxidant vitamins such as green leafy vegetables, and fruits
  • Drinking enough water daily not only cleanses the liver and the blood, it also flushes out the toxins from the body
  • Vitamin A, C, and E supplement, as well as 15 mg of Zinc supplement every day
  • Regular exercise or walking
  • Drinking herbal teas: make a tea with the combination of burdock root, yellow dock, dandelion root and leaf, nettle, chamomile and borage. These herbs not only clean the liver and the blood they also balance the hormone, and work on the central nervous system to control the emotion
  • Daily cleansing with nature made and sulfate free cleanser and moisturizer
  • Steaming and extraction: Steam for 10-15 minutes once a week with soothing herbs such as peppermint, eucalyptus, rosemary and parsley. Extract the impurities, black heads and the acne that are ready for extraction
  • Avoid canned foods, frozen foods and foods with additives
  • Avoid spicy foods, and deep fried foods that are made with saturated fats