About Minoo


Minoo was founded with the goal of developing sustainable skin health for everyone. 30 years ago, Minoo developed nature-made skin care products with a vision that still resounds in the company’s research approach today.

At Minoo’s labs, we are guided by nature and human harmony, which guide us in every decision we make.

In 1989, Minoo Golnazar developed a line of herbal facial products that enhanced her acupressure massage techniques. Her massage techniques are designed to give the skin maximum vitality and youthfulness while retaining its moisture and oxygen. Minoo started offering seminars to skincare professionals and specialists in 1990, demonstrating her anti-wrinkle massage techniques, alternative medicines, and nutrition. Following demands from colleagues and stakeholders, Minoo decided to write a book combining her knowledge of plants, nutrition, and massage techniques.

Minoo began traveling to Eastern countries in 2002 to study plants and herbs with medicinal values and to investigate the most common diseases. Two years later, Minoo created herbal supplement formulas for sugar diabetes, blood pressure control, skin disorders, migraine headaches, arthritis, prostate, menopause, constipation, and liver disease control.


It is Minoo’s passion and boundless love for everyone around her that drives her daily work. Everyone deserves good health and abundant happiness. Minoo believes in the power of nature to bring forth sustainable healthy products that will allow society to live in harmony with nature and be productive and prosperous. A person’s overall health depends on the balance between their mind, body, environment, and diet.

We are able to achieve physical and mental well-being by learning and understanding the body, its chemistry, and what nature provides for us. By eating a healthy diet and using nature-made skincare products, the body and its skin can be in harmony with one another, making them less susceptible to harmful bacteria that cause disease.


Our mission is to discover and represent the wisdom and power of nature to develop the most effective and foremost biodynamic skincare products for sustaining health and youth. Every organism in nature is dependent on another and also systematically interconnected to other organisms.

In order to gain and sustain the harmonious balance between nature’s energy and human chemistry, Minoo strives to continuously discover and integrate more from nature into my formulas.

Minoo also strives to educate people on how to better understand their body chemistry and their needs, so they can work to meet those needs by consuming a healthy diet rich in nutrients, antioxidant vitamins, and using nature-made facial products that nourish their body and skin.


Minoo’s research on the medicinal benefits of plants and herbs and their potential impact is a lifelong endeavor. A healthy body, skin, and nutrition go hand-in-hand, which is why Minoo will continue to educate people on the benefits of natural healing.

In 2022, Minoo’s Laboratories will focus on developing innovative, cutting-edge products. With a focus on organic skincare, personal care, and baby products. We offer private label products and custom-made formulas.